Sunday, August 19, 2007

Morality in Media v Marriott International

Morality in Media is a national anti-pornography group based in New York City. I got two hits for Morality in Media at (see the "News of the Church" item about Dr. Victor B. Cline here and the comment about a Texas chapter of Morality in Media here).

"An Open Letter from Morality in Media President Bob Peters To Marriott International CEO Bill Marriott: Get Rid of the Porn" is the title of a news release issued last month by Morality in Media.

The Bob Peters "Open Letter" has now been reprinted by:

Illinois Family Institute,

Standard Newswire, Special Guests,

Dakota Voice,


Earned Media,

Order of the Legion of St. Michael, and

Syndicated columnist Michael J. McManus suggested readers of his column add their voices by writing Bill Marriott (Marriott Drive, Washington, D.C. 20058) and say, as did Peters:

"It is my earnest hope that even after so many years of ignoring complaints about the sale of pornography in your hotels, you will yet do the right thing for your family, church, and nation."

Marriott also has an online form where readers can leave comments.

I congratulate Bob Peters for taking a stand against Marriott pornography and I endorse his "Open Letter." Removing pornography from Marriott hotels may take years, but I know from personal experience that such things can happen.

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